Upcoming Classes
Ongoing and regular classes ~ Scehduled through the City of Santa Clarita SEASONS catalog

Theatre Fundamentals
Ages 8 - 12 Tuesdays 4pm ~ 5:15
Wondeful beginning experience for young people
Ages 11 - 15 Wednesdays 4pm ~ 5:30pm
Fun skills building workshops
These classes are presented in association with the City of Santa Clarita and registration is through the SEASONS contract classes brochure. The link below will take you to the City's class registration page.
The Young Company
An ongoing theatre group for young performers working together and creating material for performances and events throughout the community
By special arrangement, audition, or invitation

Composing Musical Theatre
For serious musical theatre nerds ~
This ongoing workshop for creating, composing, writing and performing musical theatre.
The class will work towards submitting work for SHOWSEARCH, the Foundation for New American Musicals juried compition for new short musicals by High Schools and College age creators.
classes forming now